November 26th, 2024

  • Speaker:

    Alice Barbara Tumpach (Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna)

  • Title: (Infinite-dimensional) Differential Geometry and Applications

    Abstract: In this talk, we will present some applications of finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional geometry in the rapidly expanding field commonly known as Artificial Intelligence (AI). The growing need to process geometric data such as curves, surfaces or fibered structures in a resolution-independent way that is invariant to shape-preserving transformations gives rise to mathematical questions both in pure and applied differential geometry, but also in numerical analysis. To illustrate this, applications of shape analysis in medical imaging will be given. On the other hand, the extraction of geometric information from point clouds formed by data sets is an area where differential geometry meets probability, as in dimension reduction or manifold learning. Some of the challenges in these areas will be mentioned.



    10:00 - 11:30 RTG Lecture 2 (Florent Schaffhauser)  | COS INF 231, SR 5

    11:30 - 12:00 Get-Together with speaker | COS INF 231, SR 5

    12:00 - 13:00 Common lunch | reserved at BräuStadel

    13:00 - 13:30 Informal meeting of PhD students | EG, Seminarraum C

    13:30 -14:30 RTG colloquium: Prof. Alice B. Tumpach| EG, Seminarraum C

    14:30 - 15:15 Common coffee/tea | 5. OG, Common Room

    15:15 - 16:45 RTG Lecture 1  (Matteo Migliorini) | 5. OG, Konferenzraum

  • Place:
