June 21th, 2022

  • Date:


  • Speaker:

    Richard Schwartz (Brown University)



    Trisecting Kuehnel's 9-vertex projective plane



    I will explain Wolfgang Kuehnel's triangulation of the complex projective plane CP2 using just 9 vertices and 36 4-simplices. In terms of vertices, this is the minimum possible. I will explain the structure of CP2 and then give a really slick proof that Kuehnel's complex really is homeomorphic to CP2, based on the trisection of CP2 into 3 bi-disks.  After that, I will talk a little bit about my experiments with the Brehm-Kuehnel complex, a much more forbidding triangulation of the quaternionic projective plane that uses 15 vertices and 490 8-dimensional simplices.



    10:00 - 11:30 RTG Lecture 1 (Max Riestenberg) | 5. OG, Konferenzraum
    11:30 - 12:00 Get-Together with speaker | 5. OG, Konferenzraum
    12:00 - 13:00 Common lunch | reserved at BräuStadel After Lunch Coffee Foyer UG
    13:00 - 13:30 Informal meeting of PhD students | SR B
    13:30 - 14:30 RTG colloquium: Richard Schwartz| SR B
    14:30 - 15:15 Common tea | Foyer UG
    15:15 - 16:45 RTG Lecture 2 (Arnaud Maret) | Kleiner Hörsaal INF 231 COS

  • Place:
